Monday, January 28, 2013

Hello 2013!

First post on 2013 yayyy! 
Selamat Tahun Baru 2013 
I hope your wishes come true. Amen!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Screw 4 Months

I just can't calm, dude.

I'm ridiculously in love with The Vampire Diaries

Have you ever heard The Vampire Diaries? No? I don't even know where you life then. No, I was joking
Okay, take a look this picture then...
First Season Poster 
Notice? I know you do know this series! You know, normal (not really) supernatural story with love triangle as spices to the story. Based on LJ Smith's Novels and have same name. Broadcast on The CW Network every Thursday 8/7 or in my county, Indonesia, It broadcast on 9AM. There is a looooot, like A LOT, of cliffhanger. That's why I love this series. Not because the triangle love, but the storyline. Everything seem make sense to me. Flashback, history, legend, curse, spells, witches, werewolves, vampires, The Originals, aaannndddd, HYBRID! 
Now, It's been 3 years. Which mean 3 seasons. And the CW Network officially renewed for season 4! Yeaaaah babyyy....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Beli 2 buku mini seharga 40K, tumben ┐(ˇεˇ)┌

Kanan : Buku Saku KIMIA SMA (Kaifa Learning) Rp 23.500
Kiri : Buku Saku MATEMATIKA SMA (Kaifa Learning) Rp 23.500
